Working With Buyers

Evaluate Your Wants & Needs

When I am representing you as a buyer, the first step is to learn a bit more about you and your buying requirements. Are you looking for a single-level in Lynden or is a colonial in Custer more to your liking? It is not unusual to start with a big list of wants and needs but our goal is to pare that down to a home that will meet your needs now and in the years to come.

When it comes to area knowledge, people knowledge, and of course, real estate process knowledge I am here to help. I am pleased to share my experience with my buyer clients and look forward to educating you every step of the way as you need to feel comfortable with your real estate investment!


Shop For Your Money

In many markets across the country, the number of buyers searching for their dream home greatly exceeds the number of homes for sale, driving a competitive marketplace where it can be tough to stand out. Since you know you’ll need to apply for a mortgage before you purchase a home, one way to show you’re serious about buying is to get pre-qualified or pre-approved before you start your search.

Even if you’re in a market that’s not as strapped for inventory, understanding your budget will help you know if your dream home is within your reach. One of the advantages of working with me is that I have many relationships with lenders who will be able to help you through this process.

Shopping for a competitive interest rate is also important. An interest rate difference of even .5% can make thousands of dollars of difference over the life of a loan.

Getting pre-approved is one of the many steps that will show home sellers you’re serious about buying. Don’t think you need to navigate through this process on your own. Put my expertise to work for you!


Search For Your Home

Once we have your wants and needs and budget squared away, it is time to start shopping!

We will set you up with a search of all the available properties in the multiple listing service that might meet your needs. We don’t want to inundate you with a lot of homes that aren’t a good fit, but we can expand your search or hone it in as you like. When we find homes online that might be viable candidates, we will drive out and take a look.

You might immediately walk into a home and know it’s “the one” or you might be deciding between a few properties. I will provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision.


Making The Seller An Offer

The first step to crafting an offer is knowing the type of market we are in for a particular house or area. If we are in a very competitive market, the offer strategy is much different than for a home that doesn’t have much competition.

I will advise on the best strategy for the home you are interested in and educate you as much as possible on that home, area, and market, so you are confident that what you offer for the home is in line with your financial and personal goals.

There are a number of points that can be negotiated – negotiations are one of my greatest strengths and I will work diligently and in your best interests.


Pending To Close

Once the contract is approved by both sides, there are a lot of steps for buyers to be aware of. We need to coordinate the inspection, appraisal, title insurance, and make sure all paperwork and earnest money gets to the right place at the right time. Although there is a lot to keep track of, I will make sure no beat is skipped. I’ll give you a pending timeline so you know what is expected of you and what dates are important. There may be some time periods when we need to be in touch with you several times per day. Other periods require communication every few days. Rest assured I will take the lead and will make this process as smooth as possible!


The Home Is Yours!

The loan documents are all wrapped up, the title report is clear, the appraisal is in and approved, the inspection issues have all been resolved, you have signed all the paperwork and now the home is yours! Congratulations!

I will make sure you get your keys and make sure that everything on the property is in the order expected. I will also check-in after a few days to make sure everything is working properly. If you run into any trouble, we are here for you and will continue to look out for your real estate interests for the years to come!